


Client : 天涯文化財団(愛知県)


Stories『縁をつなぐ記念館|盛田昭夫塾 岡田直子さん』
note『「入り組んだ」建築と信条のリンク / SKGロゴデザインの視点「盛田昭夫塾」』

This is a branding project for a memorial museum of Akio Morita, the founder of Sony Corporation. It was necessary to express him in its own unique theme as he is already world known. SKG designed the museum to introduce Akio and his wife Yoshiko, based on the concept of the “fate” that they build with others continuously in the museum, Akio’s background and their personalities are exhibited under the theme of “fate”, and there is also a booth “fate” with him. with him. the brand aims to encourage visitors and let them ask themselves, “How do we spend our lives?”

Akio’s eldest daughter, Naoko, initially planned to build a memorial museum to bequeath his achievements to future generations. Since his achievements have already been covered by many media, therefore SKG, which was responsible for the whole exhibition project in the museum that were the branding, planning and design needed to figure out the original theme in the project.

Design Solution:
The concept of the museum is the “fate”, and it is designed to introduce Akio and his wife, Yoshiko. The realization of his dream was due to the fates that he valued more than anything else, and it was Yoshiko who supported him in making relationships. Their words, deeds and intentions are displayed on the theme of the “fate” that we all have, Those also provide visitors an opportunity to connect with two of them.

Cultural Context:
In Japan, there is an idea of respect for “fate(“En” in Japanese)”, which comes from the Buddhist teaching of “dependent origination(“Engi” in Japanese)”. The Buddha taught that all phenomena have a cause and are caused by the interrelationship of these causes. It’s still alive that the custom to be grateful and feel hopeful for the “fate” brings us encounters.